Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I am NOT going to give this post a song title...Because my mind is overworked and warped, the only thing that comes to mind is "Another one bites the dust". Even though my new daughter- in- law is a great sport and well aware of my dry sense of humor I am sure she wouldn't appreciate that.

Although Mike and Robin were married last October, I have not been able to post any pictures. Finally after weeks of transferring pictures from discs and from my other computer I am caught up. This downsizing becomes an "issue" when it is time to figure out what to do with all the photos. Thank fully, CDs are a tremendous help in storing quantities of them.

My life has been absolutely BORING the last three days (hence no posts). My eyes are popping out of my head and my mind is SO on overload. I have spent hours either on line or on the phone trying to tie up all the loose ends on ordering everything to finish the house. I forgot how time consuming all of that was! If I wasn't working on price comparisons and decisions on appliances, I was changing insurance policies or trying to get satellites installed on the motor home. I am gung ho to make sure every i is dotted and t is crossed before we pull out of the driveway on September 1.

Speaking of pulling out top the driveway, Salt is cracking me up with his new toy (GPS). He couldn't believe it actually could direct him to all the roads on GRINDSTONE. He tried to confuse it by taking a detour and it immediately detected his going the wrong way and rerouted him on that route. Technology......

We will take possession of the motor home on Thursday and Friday we are headed to our first campsite. We will be at Pine Valley Park which is a campground about 6 miles from my brother Joe's house. I am sure I will have a journal full of entries after this. I have already started calling Salt "Griz"; short for Grizwalds...As I suspect our adventures may end up somewhat like theirs.

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