Sunday, July 16, 2006

Some Say Love it is a River...

that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love is a raZor that leaves your heart to bleed.
Some say love it is a hunger, an endless aching need,
I say love it is a flower and you the only seed...
(The Rose by Bet Middler)

Congratulations to Joe & Rindy on their 10th anniversary, celebrated last week. Matthew met Rev Davison at the sing-a-long and absolutely fell in love with him. He thought he was VERY cool, and couldn't believe he "actually married my mom and dad".

Joseph and his girlfriend Jackie visited for the weekend and blew me away. I came home from a very difficult night at work (12 hour shift) on Sunday morning and found the kitchen cleaned and all the bedding washed and on the line. He also arrived with groceries and did the cooking over the weekend. Quite unusual for a college freshman. He will be heading to SUNY Oneonta, majoring in Political Science in August. He will join my niece Katie Karpel who is a Junior there.

Not much else today 12 hr work shift leaves little time for play!

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