Sunday, September 23, 2007

It should be illegal it gets me so high.....

Before we left the KOA Saturday morning, we received a call from our good friend Jim Adamson. Jim had owned a home in Montana (and says his heart is still here) so was able to give us all kinds of information about what roads to travel to see the "real west" and some of the more beautiful parts of this picturesque state.

I set the GPS for Whitefish, a small town just outside Glacier National Park . By the way...the person who invented the GPS should win the Nobel Peace Prize for saving marriages. I LOVE that thing! We made it as far as Great Falls, and pulled into a Sam's for the night.

Sunday morning we headed out again and about half way through the drive encountered this!!
We didn't know whether to push on or change plans and head a little more south. After stopping for gas on the Blackfeet reservation, we checked with some of the locals and they told us to go on because it would melt and the forecast was for a nice day tomorrow. Within 15 minutes we were out of the snow and into a very fall like drive for the rest of the way.

We found a very nice campground in West Glacier, right next to the park. We have decided to stay put for a couple of days and do some catching up on some of our "domestic" chores and just mellow with a movie or book between our sightseing tours.

We were a little disappointed to find out a large portion of the park is closed due to road reconstruction. There was a big washout in the spring so they were forced to close several of the roads. We toured a part of it this evening after dinner and found it as beautiful as we had imagined.

We had planned on going only as far as Oregon this trip but now that we are so close to Washington we have decided to add that to our itinerary. I think we are making Betty and Kriston a little nervous, making them wonder if we will get back to Myrtle Beach for their visit in November. Don't worry girls (and of course Emma) we will be on the beach waiting for you!

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