Mike is working 2 jobs now so Rob can work part time and have some extra study time. Her nursing curriculum is extremely difficult and very time consuming. We did manage however to thoroughly enjoy our visit with them.
Everyone with the exception of Sarah had the first weekend off so we cooked here at the campsite and of course was joined by Dave!!
Salt and Mike took off for the big airshow held at Oceania. They spent most of the day there on Saturday while I chilled out here at the resort with Rob.....who spent most of the day in her books! We are so proud of the discipline she is displaying in order to get her nursing license.
Lots of stunts by the famous "Blue Angels"....with no mishaps this year.
Rob hard at work with her Anatomy and Physiology studies!!
Robin and I escaped for a huge grocery shop....trying to pick up things that would be easy for everyone to fix around their crazy schedules. Grandma Kitty spent some serious time doing math homework with Rachael....never my favorite subject but she is still young enough where I can still do it with ease!
Robin and I escaped for a huge grocery shop....trying to pick up things that would be easy for everyone to fix around their crazy schedules. Grandma Kitty spent some serious time doing math homework with Rachael....never my favorite subject but she is still young enough where I can still do it with ease!
Last weekend Salt and I ventured down to the beach and the annual "Neptune Festival". We were able to take in the parade, take in the many vendors and see some of the sand sculptures!
Later we took everyone to the "Outback" for dinner and then went back to Mike and Rob's house for a movie.
Part of the parade.....
There were some magnificent sand sculptures. This one was created by a gentleman who has entered the contest for the last 20 years. Unfortunately the weather was so nasty prior to the festival,many of the sculptures were ruined.
This picture is for you Janna....there must have been 20 volleyball games going on at the beach on Saturday. You would have loved it.....lots of young good looking boys with a lot of skill!!
We received our nephew Ben's senior picture the other day. Isn't he handsome...boy is he a Karpel....I can see both Todd and Uncle Tom in that handsome face!!