Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eat a few Rib Eye until you get your fill....Eat a few Rib Eye hot off the grill...

I know....I am getting static again because I have not updated. I think I am so far behind again, I hope I can remember what we have been doing. SO much going on now.

I love this picture of poor Emma. She has been trying SO hard to quit sucking that "dumb thumb" matter what she does, it ends up in her mouth sometime during the night.

However, the orthodontist has put her spacers in and within the month will put in an apparatus which will not allow her to suck it....We HOPE!

Doug and Darlene hosted us for Gene and Ruth's return dinner. Our friends are coming back in droves!!

Susie was babysitting her grandchildren, but Terry joined us and brought a delicious olive oil dip and some great bread for dipping. Darlene made her excellent Cesar salad and Doug grilled sweet sausages. is your "prime rib" Terry. Sorry we have to do it on the grill, no way am I going to put a roast in the oven when it is 92 degrees!! Salt did a great job on perfecting the timing....they were excellent!

Susie, Salt and Terry chow down!

Happy to be back??? What hams!
OK Susie, we know how much you love Doug, and how glad you are to be back with the old gang!

OK Betty, I am getting back on track....are you proud of me???

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Witches and ghosts are wouldn't be Halloween without a good scare.....

Was a wonderful Sunday.....Salt and I picked up our friend Darlene and headed to our little Methodist church in Altoona. We all love this little church, it is like being with family. We stayed after today for the social hour and had an opportunity to meet and visit with the minister Bill Kennedy and his wife Barbara. What a dynamic duo....we believe we have found our place in this church. We also love the church here at the resort so we are going to either church "hop" or make some big decisions in the next couple of weeks........

After church we had lunch on the patio and relaxed with the Sunday paper before heading off for a couple of hours at the pool. The water was beautiful, air temp was 85, water 80. We did several laps before doing a little sun bathing.

After dinner this evening I did a couple of miles on my bike and then Salt and I met some friends for a 2 mile walk. You've got to love this Florida lifestyle.
Last night was the Turkey Dinner and Halloween party at Dodge Hall (back home). Betty sent along some pictures of the kids in their Halloween costumes. Here is Emma, who went as Selina Gomez (Wizards of Waverly). She looks great with dark hair!!

If Betty had not told me who this was I NEVER would have recognized Paige Durdon.....what a cutie!! She is one of our favorite little Island Girls.......

And this is Bella Baird, Emma's good friend who spent the weekend with Emma.

Betty also sent Emma's school picture. Emma has just started with all the preparations for her full braces. She had her spacers put in last week. Now we will watch for the $5,000.00 smile!!!

Tomorrow is a work day for me; Salt is taking a day off and doing some serious bike riding with Doug. Tomorrow night BINGO....yeah!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

You don't look a day over "fast cars" and freedom....

Early this morning we picked up Doug and Darlene (Rowe) and headed for Leesburg and the weekly Saturday market in the square. We took a stroll up and down the village streets looking at the many scarecrows/mannequins.....There were so many good ones but I only included some of my favorites.

This one was "The Little Old Lady who was not afraid of anything" of the elementary school classes.....

This was the contribution of the Eustis Garden Club.......

The "Headless Horseman".....

My very favorite was created by the local fire department......

Always one of my stops, as Emma still loves her American Girl dolls. This year we bought a new dress for "Bitty Baby" to wear home from the "Doll Hospital". She has to be shipped there to fix her broken arm!!

They have music in the square every it was the "Alabama Cowboy"......

Lots of stands.....

Our first lunch at Cracker Barrel.....I am sure there will be many more when Gene and Terry return. Their cars automatically turn into a Cracker Barrel parking lot!!!

We came home for a few hours; did some laundry, cooked dinner and headed for Eustis. Before we did the Car Cruise-in, we did the nature walk along the lake. No alligator sightings today but we did capture a shot of this Egret......The weather was perfect with a warm breeze coming off the lake and a beautiful sunset.

We try and do these cruise-ins as often as we can because they always have such neat cars there. I would love to have this "Woody"....

I am not sure what this sign, and the owner wasn't around.

I saw this little kid from a distance and I am thinking...."OH NO...he is going to be in big trouble leaning against that car. Got up close and it was one of those stuffed dolls....

Here was the original car and a pictorial of the progress.....

And the finished product....a beauty!

Now there's a "caddy".....

This is one of Darlene's and my favorite stores....we can't pass it without stopping in. Checkout the cat in the window. He lives in the store and is beyond spoiled. If he's not in the window he is right on the counter by the cash register, just purring away.

The store is huge and the whole thing looks like can't really tell in the picture but everything is SO WELL displayed, and so color coordinated.

And of course our last stop is always Strawberries .....I had ONE dip of sugar free, low fat Butter Pecan and it was amazingly good. You would never suspect it was "legal"......

Tomorrow we are off to our new found "tiny" Methodist Church and then off to Daytona Beach for sun and sand!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

I get by with a little help from my friends.....

Friday morning bowling is back.....Was it really that bad Sandy?

Merle shows us how it's done!

Lunch with Terry and Susie at the Mt Dora Diner and Friday night BINGO. Fridays are always busy/fun days!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

We were young scholars, eating spiedies and we are back, a bunch of old fogies....

Here I am playing catch up once again!!! The problem is the weather is so darn nice we stay outside either visiting or walking/biking and by time I get in I am ready for a shower and bed. Then we are up early and on the go again......

I really need to get caught up and stay on the ball, since the social life really starts moving this week.

Salt and I are officially FL residents now.....YEAH, no more NY state income tax!!! We still have a few things to take care of , but we are almost there. First order of business was driver's licenses and anyone from NY would be amazed at how organized and FRIENDLY the workers in this office were!!!! Had our 2nd annual spiedie roast....Pearl, Buck, Pat, Manney, Doug & Darlene. Lots of laughs and good food with great friends!!

Take me in pretty woman...take me in cried the snake... I am always saying "Emma is just like her Grandma"....well NOT this time. I have never and would never pick up a snake. You have to love the shirt with "Princess" on the front and her holding the snake!! Betty said she was afraid at first and then decided she would not be outdone by a 5 year old boy who gave it to her!

She went for her first couple of orthodontist appointments and is going to have to wear braces for 4-5 years....That darn thumb!!

Pop has been busy putting up Halloween decorations!!

We were in Teddy Roosevelt National Park (out in the "Badlands" in North Dakota) where we met a couple who live just a few miles from us here in FL....small world. I mentioned I wanted to attend a service at this little church which is just a few miles from us. Come to find out she sings in the choir here. Salt and I are planning on going to the 9:15 service this weekend. It reminds me so much of the church on Grindstone.

Today was our first day back to bowling....we had lunch and bowled three games. I bowled way above my average, which is a surprise as I have not had a bowling ball in my hand since last March.

Mikey Sullivan meets the curse of Kitty's camera....
And notice Darlene pointing to Doug's chair, as he was trying to escape the same curse!!! Love you guys!!

Having our first dinner party tomorrow night. Waiting patiently for the rest of our friends to arrive!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Here comes the comes the sun...and I say it's alright!!

Since we have been doing LOTS of work, settling in, there hasn't been too much playing. Salt has all the planting done and the inside is clean (including the blinds....which I hate cleaning) and organized. I will post pics of the landscaping next post. It's so nice to have all these flowers and not have to worry about deer eating them!!!

We did get to dinner at Doug and Darlene's who are now settled in their new home here in the resort. Darlene made a great homemade lasagna...was so much laughing and catching up on their travels last summer.

Our patio is furniture, rug, plants and ready for dinner.....

Did the first farmer's market this morning and forgot how many vegetables and fruit one can get for $6.00!!! Sure missed that up North!
Tomorrow we are going to a lunch and bowl....can't wait to see a lot of our bowling crew!! Neither Salt nor I have had a bowling ball in our hand since March so it should be interesting!!

Off for a long bike ride!!! Then home to start fresh tomato/basil pasta sauce which we will have as a side dish Saturday night at the spiedie cookout with Doug, Darlene, Pat, Manny, Pearl and Buck.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Going down to Florida and get some sand in my shoes.....Going down to Florida and lose these New York blues.....

Just a quick update.....We are at our home in Florida. Won't be doing too much blogging for a few days as we are going to get unpacked, the house opened and cleaned and the lawn and flowers put back in shape.

We are happy to be back in the sunshine!!!

Friday, October 09, 2009

I know there's a light at the end of this tunnel..... about your day from hell!!! We left New Jersey, with big smiles and great anticipation. We were headed to Myrtle Beach for another "ocean fix". The sun was shining and everything was going well until......We just entered the Chesapeake tunnel when we developed a vapor lock and STALLED. Yep right in the middle of the tunnel. So here we sit with a 37' motor home and a 25' trailer loaded with a car. Talk about scared!!!! We were not sure at the time that it was in fact a vapor lock so you can imagine the visions running through both of our heads ($$$$$$$$).

Fortunately, the authorities are used to this happening and they were there within minutes to help. We had to be towed out; the good charge. The better news, I had my live-in mechanic with me!!! Yeah Salt, saved our butts once again.

Karen wrote and asked me if I took pictures? The answer is NO (and I am bummed that I didn't) but I was on my knees praying!!!

We drove as far as Virginia (just outside Richmond) and after dinner we took a walk and found this"Krispy Kreme" shop so decided to stop for a cup of coffee.. I think that may have been worse than being stuck in the tunnel. They had a assembly line with a window for viewing and they were making fresh hot doughnuts.....The smell was incredible and people sitting around eating them were close to orgasmic!!!

This little girl on the end insisted on telling Salt all she knew about "making doughnuts" cute!

And all I got was a coffee and a HAT!!!

We are on the road stop; Myrtle Beach!!!

Monday, October 05, 2009

The wheels forever spinning. The dice are thrown and scatter. The words are all of winning, but only numbers matter.....

The end of our trip through New England....a trip to the largest casino in the world.

One of the gazillion beautiful statues.....this one in the atrium where there is nightly free entertainment.

I actually came out a winner......but then I went back...LOL. There will be no more casinos for me until the cruise. We enjoy a stop once in awhile but I am still amazed how anyone can spend much time in one of these places???????