We recently received this picture of Betty and Emma on the snowmobile....brrrrrr. They are loving it, but I personally have no desire to go back to the snow and cold. Whoops, since I posted this little blurb, The weather has taken a turn for the worse and they are no longer enjoying it. Betty says "only 11 weeks until vacation and they meet us in Myrtle Beach....thank God!"
Oh yes, and speaking of receiving pictures, my brother (Joe) with the oh so black sense of humor, sent this one along.....If you don't recognize the young lady, it is none other than Chelsea Clinton standing beside my nephew Joseph. My brother sent it with the message "I always thought Joseph might be a closet Democrat". How long do you think it took me to get on the phone and clear up that little matter????? It seems Joseph and several and his friends were in New Hampsire for the primary (school credit) and saw Chelsea walking by the diner where they were having lunch. The boys went out and asked for a picture. I guess we can forgive teenage boys having a little fun......
New update (it's now 2 days later). Sarah was taken to the hospital. She had blood in her urine so they put a catheater in to collect urine for analysis....also did cat scan. No answers(surprise, surprise). She was to go back in today for more tests. Waiting to hear. In the meantime, when Mike and Rob got back to the house on Saturday night, they opened the garage door and out gushed the water....their cellar and garage were flooded from all the rain coming down the mountain. Took hours to be able to find pumps to get pumped out. Tons of stuff ruined. Those poor kids have had nothing but bad luck since they moved to that state. They are moving back to VA Beach as soon as the kids get out of school. We can't wait to get them closer to home. The move out there was a HUGE mistake. Oh well, they are young and have their health...they will get back on their feet.
There have been so many activities going on at the resort I have missed posting many of them. Here are a couple of pictres from the picnic held last week. This is one of our friends who had the title of youngest in the resort until Salt moved in and took her title.
The couple of the middle (Diane and Dave Kone) are from Ithaca, NY.
We were out at the flea market today and I couldn't help thinking about how much fun it would be to have my brother George and his wife Cheryl there. There are just tons of antiques in the one section (very expensive) and booth after booth of everything at the flea market. Cheryl you would be in the "dish" section for 2 days. George could even get some goats and chickens for his new farm. Check out the gal selling the chickens.....Salt was afraid she would start shaking some chicken bones and put a hex on him. These flea markets are huge and you never know what you will find!!
Last night we attended a concert at the club house.... gospel singers .. a really upbeat couple who played all kinds of instruments and told the greatest jokes. Their 2 1/2 year old son came up and sang with them. What a hoot, he told his father not to start until he tuned his uke.
What an uplifting experience. I had been grieving the losss of Frank all week. When I came out of the concert I was at peace with his passing. Their beautiful music and lyrics made me realize that Frank is at peace and in a very good place.
The Foresters For the first time since we have settled in Umatilla, we finally had company over for a home cooked meal. We had picked up some eggplant at the market so I threw together a parmigan and entertained our friends from Ithaca. After dinner we went to Bingo....I had a $40 win so that made my evening!!
It is now Friday....again. Which means this post has been sitting for a whole week...unfinished.
First of all, Sarah is doing fine. She is back in school and they are keeping an eye on her. Tonight was Salt's night to win at Bingo....$67.00!
Tomorrow is Mardi Gras and Sunday Superbowl party. Hopefully I will be able to get the pictures posted before we leave on Thursday for The Bahamas.