Friday, May 01, 2009

He say, I know you know me....One thing I can tell you is you got to be free....

Grandma was able to make it home in time for Emma's art show. I LOVE her art teacher...she really lets the kids express themselves, and is so encouraging.

Here is Emma's Black and White Positive/Negative Collage for which won a first place ribbon (top).
This is her second place elephant mask....The painting was to keep with the African theme.

Here is Paige Durdon....(one of my very favorite little girls). Paige won not only first place for her sculpture, but also "Student's Choice Award".

Congratulations to both of our little budding artists!!

Emma has also been chosen to display one of her pottery pieces in the Hand Weaving Museum art show.
Salt and I have been pretty much hanging close to home just getting caught up on 7 months of absence. I am ordering new flooring and new seats for my boat so I can get it in the water and then have a bunch of appointments to attend to in town.
Jim came to the island today but we haven't seen him yet. Janet Ennis came over for coffee yesterday and since she spent the winter here on the island, it was fun catching up on all the happenings. Now that May is here the island will start getting busy. Can't wait for all my girlfriends to get back.....gonna be some good times coming soon!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful work. Keep it up Emma!!!