Sunday, December 05, 2010

Happy Holidays, Happy Holidays......

Light up beautiful Mt Dora..... Here is a part of the park.

The handsome wooden soldier and the snow princess...

Terry's grand kids were performing in front of one of the coffee shops, so we got a preview of the concert we will be attending tomorrow. Here is Walker.....and cute little Lanie in front of him. His son-in-law was also singing in the Methodist church group but since both groups were performing at the same time, of course the kids won our attention.

Walker singing his duet....Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey....he is so talented.

For $5 you could take a ride around the beautiful historic village.....
The marina in town was are the candy cane palm trees.

The merry-g0-round with Teddy Bears.....

Santa is missing....I bet he was out enjoying the music!

This was my favorite building.....

Thank goodness we had dinner before we ventured downtown....this is my FAVORITE cupcake shop. If this isn't enough to tempt you.....

just walk inside!

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