Thursday, January 27, 2011

Goodbye Ruby Tuesday....who could hang a name on you

Tuesday being "Sr day" at the movie theater, we took off with the Muldoons for a show and dinner. Sue and I wanted to see Black Swan and the boys went to something else. I loved Natalie Portman in her role....she certainly deserved the Academy nomination she just picked up. The movie is definitely on the dark side and rather risque, but I really enjoyed it.

After the movie we took off in the Tornado Warnings (wicked winds and rain) and stopped at Ruby Tuesday's (or Roasted Thursday's as Emma calls it) for dinner. I had a coupon for a buy one get one free entree so for $12.99 Salt and I both enjoyed great entrees. I am such a coupon fanatic anymore, I am sure my dad is up above chuckling as he remembers all the times I picked on him about his Sr. discounts and coupon sales.

Terry brought these mushrooms the other night when he, Susie, Gene and Ruth came to dinner before Las Vegas night. He found a "mushroom farm" out near one of the golf courses he plays on. They were HUGE, fresh and delicious....and CHEAP. Salt and I will definitely be checking it out when we return from the cruise.

My calla lilies in the office.....

Emma got her braces on today. Her mother was concerned she would have a lot of pain so asked her if she wanted some Tylenol....Emma replied, no nothing for the pain she was just worried what she could take for lunch tomorrow....Oh yeah, she's a Paxton!!!

We did the Farmer's/Flea Market in Eustis this morning, I went and had my hair styled and then we did dinner at Chili's... We will be doing the Grand Funk Railroad concert at Silver Springs on Saturday, packing Sunday, and Monday we are off to cruise to the Bahamas.

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