Thursday, May 12, 2011

I've been everywhere man...I've been everywhere!

After many sad goodbyes to friends and neighbors, Salt and I took off and headed back to our summer home on Grindstone Island nestled in the Thousand Island region of the St. Lawrence River. We actually ended up leaving a few days later than planned as we needed a part for the generator in the motor home.

Our first stop was at this KOA in Yemassee, SC. Although a bit overpriced, it was one of the neatest KOAs we have stopped at.

Beautifully landscaped....

This amazing "gourmet" coffee bar and wine shop.....

We REALLY enjoyed the pool, as it was still 91 degrees when we stopped for the evening!!

Here is something you don't see is actually still functional.

Amidst the camp sites, and cottages, they have two old trolley cars made into hotel rooms....very cool!!

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