Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How bout them cowgirls...Boys aren't they something..Sure are some proud girls and you can't tell 'em nothing...

Emma horseback riding with the girl scouts....her mom Betty, is the leader of Em's troop and does an amazing job with the girls. Not only have they learned and earned many, many badges, she manages to find all kind of "fun" activities, including horseback riding, encampments, and will be doing an Eco tour on one of the local boat lines.

Well, here is a bit of mish mash that has taken place since we arrived home. Our lives our rather BORING right now, as we are working to get settled back in to NY life and it has rained EVERY day but one since we have been home..... :-(

The family, on the other hand has been celebrating lots of accomplishments. Below (left) is our niece Sarah Karpel, who graduated top of her class from NYU. We are all so proud of you Sarah!!

Here is Janna making her entrance to the OFA Senior prom. Janna will graduate this year and heading for college where she will study nursing. Janna is also an honor student.

Here is our little Emma getting her first set of highlights (Grandma took her for a day of "spoiling")....

Here she and "Pop" share their last "Grandparents' Breakfast". Pop and I have attended this event for the last 6 years giving us perfect attendance!! Both the principal and Emma's teacher approached us and told us what a lovely granddaughter we have and complimented her on her maturity this year. You go Emma.....

We set the motor home up on a lot in Swan Bay this year, where we also have a dock. This has worked out very well....especially with the amount of rain we have been getting. Salt is working on the island during the day and returning to the motor home most nights. It has been much more convenient for me to get to the stores and conduct business this year.

Today is the opening statements on the Casey Anthony trial....I am sure it is going to be a battle with myself to restrict the amount of time I spend in front of the TV.

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