Sunday, March 23, 2008

There's an Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon it....

Last Sunday, our minister said he thought it would be fun if we had an "old fashioned" Easter where all the women wore Easter hats. Since there are no millinery's anywhere near Umatilla, we were all forced to use our imaginations....which means figure out what to do with a Wal Mart hat. Thanks to a little help from the neighbor's is my Easter bonnet.

Lots of clever women.....

But by far my favorite.....

The Easter service was very moving with a special tribute from our Choir Director and his slide trombone....great job Sonny!!!

Easter dinner was a huge gathering at the club house. The owner provides the meat for holiday meals and then every one brings a dish to pass. There was SO much food (as usual).

There were so many leftovers at our table that we decided we would all get together and have another potluck that evening. Thanks for hosting Gene and Ruth...

And here was the most fun of the day. I made up this Easter Basket for our friend Dave and Salt ran over and left it on his doorstep at 2:30 in the morning. Of course all of our friends were in on it but he was clueless as to where it came from. His first guess was me but when he approached Salt and asked him Salt said..."it better not be my wife since I didn't get one". He spent the whole day asking, wondering and speculating while the rest of us denied and snickered behind his back. Finally last night I had to break down and tell him because we were starting to worry that his wife might suspect he really had a secret admirer.

Oh I almost forgot, last night we went across the street to the Methodist Church carnival. It was SO country carnival. We chuckled (and lost our quarters) when we came upon this game. The guy had a mouse called "Fast Freddy". You put your quarter on a block of numbers....4 for a quarter....and he would let this field mouse out of a box and he would scamper into one of the holes. If it was your number you win a prize. Thank God we didn't win....just what I needed a stuffed Spider man. We just got a kick out of trying to figure where he would go and why???

The weather is crappy today so Salt and I are headed to the mall to catch a movie. There are so many cute clothes out for the girls now that spring is on it's way but since we can't keep up with their growth spurts we are going to take each of them shopping on our way home. Salt and I will take Emma during the week she is at the beach and then will take Sarah and Rachael when we stop in Virginia. A couple of my girlfriends are picking me up tomorrow to head to the Old Time Pottery for some "new house" shopping. I don't really need a lot but want to get some new dishes, towels, sheets, etc.

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