Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

Sunday was the dedication of the "Memory Trees". The trees (two) are decorated with colored lights and a white bulb is put in for each deceased member of the community. After that people from the community buy bulbs in honor of their deceased family/friends (if they care to). Each time a light is purchased, their names are recorded and a white bulb is exchanged for a white one. By Christmas, the tree is covered entirely with the white bulbs. I think it is such a unique idea. We are purchasing bulbs for both my parents and my deceased husband Bill. We will also be purchasing one in Memory of Frank Augusbury, who passed this year.

This is our friend Ralph Willis and his dad Bob, dedicating a bulb to Ralph's mother, who passed away last summer.

Here are the trees the evening they were dedicated.

After the dedication we headed for our favorite Italian restaurant.....Luigi's, along with The Willis Starcher and Kone famlies.

We have started our decorating. ...here is the first part. We will be putting up the tree and finishing the lights tomorrow.

Yesterday, we finally finished up the last of the 22# turkey! I made homemade soup and corn bread and invited our friends Gene and Barbara Cargill to lunch. Gene and Barbara were celebrating their anniversary....so of course we had a cake!

Salt and a bunch of our close friends are headed for Tarpon Springs and the "sponge docks" on Thursday. I am going to have to trust Salt with my camera since I will not be able to go along. Thursdays are my bible study, and since I committed, I don't feel comfortable in taking off for a pleasure trip. I'll catch the next outing....there are a hundred more coming up!!

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