Friday, October 16, 2009

Take me in pretty woman...take me in cried the snake... I am always saying "Emma is just like her Grandma"....well NOT this time. I have never and would never pick up a snake. You have to love the shirt with "Princess" on the front and her holding the snake!! Betty said she was afraid at first and then decided she would not be outdone by a 5 year old boy who gave it to her!

She went for her first couple of orthodontist appointments and is going to have to wear braces for 4-5 years....That darn thumb!!

Pop has been busy putting up Halloween decorations!!

We were in Teddy Roosevelt National Park (out in the "Badlands" in North Dakota) where we met a couple who live just a few miles from us here in FL....small world. I mentioned I wanted to attend a service at this little church which is just a few miles from us. Come to find out she sings in the choir here. Salt and I are planning on going to the 9:15 service this weekend. It reminds me so much of the church on Grindstone.

Today was our first day back to bowling....we had lunch and bowled three games. I bowled way above my average, which is a surprise as I have not had a bowling ball in my hand since last March.

Mikey Sullivan meets the curse of Kitty's camera....
And notice Darlene pointing to Doug's chair, as he was trying to escape the same curse!!! Love you guys!!

Having our first dinner party tomorrow night. Waiting patiently for the rest of our friends to arrive!!

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