Friday, October 16, 2009

We were young scholars, eating spiedies and we are back, a bunch of old fogies....

Here I am playing catch up once again!!! The problem is the weather is so darn nice we stay outside either visiting or walking/biking and by time I get in I am ready for a shower and bed. Then we are up early and on the go again......

I really need to get caught up and stay on the ball, since the social life really starts moving this week.

Salt and I are officially FL residents now.....YEAH, no more NY state income tax!!! We still have a few things to take care of , but we are almost there. First order of business was driver's licenses and anyone from NY would be amazed at how organized and FRIENDLY the workers in this office were!!!! Had our 2nd annual spiedie roast....Pearl, Buck, Pat, Manney, Doug & Darlene. Lots of laughs and good food with great friends!!

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