Sunday, June 12, 2011

If you don't know where you're might end up somewhere else..

I guess over the years I knew that I was much too dependent on technology....for instance when I couldn't call anyone when I lost my cell phone because all my numbers were programmed. Yesterday I found out I am way too dependant on my GPS. My sister-in-law gave me directions to my nieces shower (which was only about 5 miles from where I was staying). The address wasn't in the GPS and of course I had not listened to her directions, since I thought I could GPS it. got it; had to call her twice to get there. At least she said "right" and "left" and not North and South, cuz that REALLY confuses me.

Once I got there, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many old friends and meeting many of Emily's new ones. Em looked wonderful (happy) and the setting on the river at the home of of Sarah Youngs was perfect for a party.

The lunch was great. The food was not only delicious, it was also very healthy.

Was great catching up with Catie Bogenshutz (right) she is such a beautiful young lady. I haven't seen her in years other than pictures.

Niki (Bedour) and Jill Schultz...

Emily opening her many beautiful gifts....

And "mom" displaying them for her.....

Oh yeah....I was there too. Time for a hair color and a new bra....LOL

Emma's dad bought her own little 4-wheeler. She is a VERY happy girl. Grandma is getting used to the idea that she is growing up and responsible enough to handle one (I hope!).

I am still in town for the rest of this week or until Salt gets the satellite hooked up on the island. I am too into the trial to be without a TV.

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