Yep....that's the way I feel this week...KLUTZ! I am finally back on line after dropping my new Toshiba and totally trashing it! Took it in for an estimate and the guy just kind of looked at me with sad eyes and said "honestly, you would be better off to buy a new one". SO, off to Best Buy for a new computer. On a better note, Jim now has lots of nice new up to date parts to build some computers.
I swear sometimes, I am ADHD, they just never diagnosed it "back in the day". I whirl, and twirl and go 100 mph most of the time. I even told Salt I am going to start wearing a "blue tooth" in my ear, just so when I talk to myself in stores (I am actually talking to Salt but he is always 3 isles behind, trying to keep up) people won't think I am totally crazy.
Not a lot to report of much interest, as I have been cleaning files, getting Salt's business books back on track for the summer (with help from Betty) and trying to get the house in order to actually list it.
Tomorrow we will be attending the Keith Brabant Scholarship Memorial fund is sounding like a good time with 12 bands, concessions, raffles, etc. We are all hoping for a great turnout and a successful start to a worthwhile cause.