Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's mainly wrong with society today is...too many dirt roads have been paved...

I have been doing my workouts inside the last few weeks, as the weather has not been very cooperative for much outdoor activity. This week is going to be in the mid-high 80's all week, so I decided to start my long walks again. It is SO serene to walk along these quiet dirt roads with wildflowers in abundance as well as an amazing assortment of wildlife.

Sometimes when I come upon sights like this, I feel like I have stepped back in time.....

Salt went back to work just a few days after he returned to the island. He is undated with work, which is a good thing since we are hoping to leave a little earlier this year and get some more traveling in before returning to FL....he will need lots of spending money....ha ha!!
Here he is about to return one 4 wheeler and pick up three others.....
Kelly Rusho posted this updated picture on her Face book status today....I had to steal it and put it on the blog. As she says, ...."she is one happy mama with a very happy baby". Beautiful Kelly!!
And here is "Little Joe", my brother Joe's oldest son as he receives his diploma with honors from Oneonta University. We are all so proud of you Joe!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow those pictures are certainly a blast from the past! We are all so lucky to have been to the river. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Congrats Joe!!! I hope he is more successful at finding a job than I was. Although the penniless life is quite exciting; you learn more that way.

Loves, hugs and kisses,