Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When you wake you'll have a cake and all the pretty little horses....

It has been cold and rainy/windy every day since we came back to the island....I came back on Thursday. We have had a fire in the fireplace all day and night. And we came back to NY early why????????

The good news is, it has forced me to get the house settled, cleaned and started on some much behind paperwork as well as catching up on the blog....I think I only actually have one more entry after this one.

Early Saturday morning, Julie Purcell called and invited us up to their ranch for lunch. That's always a treat as Julie and I always have a LOT of laughs...she and I are definitely kindred spirits.

She is also an excellent cook, and I get to see my horse Stormy, which I gave to Julie when Salt and I sold our farm four years ago.

Here we are driving up to the ranch house.

and the horses out grazing....stormy is the dark one in the middle.

I love this picture of Julie with Stormy.....he is so handsome and I love the wind blowing through his mane.

This is their poor little dog who is getting on in years and has a hard time walking. Their daughter Holly, made this wheelchair for him from

Julie and Bob....after a great lunch of B-B-Q capon, steak, yams, green beans and dessert which I begrudgingly refused....:(

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