Sunday, December 18, 2011

What is this strange, this splendor...all this mystry that makes me surrender....

One of my favorite things about the islands is the steel drums. You can almost always find a band playing as soon as you disembark. This was taken in Antigua.

All the little shops near where the ships come in.....

This was a personal yacht....mind boggling!

Not a lot of industry here, they mostly depend on tourism. The island is actually a coral reef has a population of 80,000 and the temperature stays approximately 86 degrees year round.

This is a pineapple field we passed on our tour.

We met up with this woman on the outskirts of town.....she was quite upset when I took her picture and didn't buy any of her jewelry. I gave her $1 to pacify her. She probably makes more money this way than on the jewelry!!

I sure wasn't singing "Daddy looks a lot like Santa".....This Santa must have been on a diet!

This was the downtown section....very poor.

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