Saturday, February 06, 2010

Those Oldies but Goodies remind me of you......

We attended a great show at the clubhouse last night.....Las Vegas Meets Branson. Pat Capuzzi, a comedian who plays often at Cesar's Palace and Trey Dees, a singer from Branson. I had actually seen Pat several years ago while attending an IBM convention. He is a laugh and a half!!

Trey had a great voice and did lots and lots of songs from the 60's and 70's. All in all it was a very enjoyable show!!

Of course you can't do 60's music without some Elvis songs.....he certainly had fun playing with the women in the audience. I am not sure he knew just how wild we "older" women can be. Pearl and Pat both made sure they got their scarves!!

We received a couple of pictures from Betty, showing Emma in her hardware (prior to braces)... guessed it, she didn't want her picture in this hardware...she has never had a problem expressing herself!!!
It took a couple of nights to get used to sleeping in it but she is doing well now. We keep telling her it will be worth it and that she will end up beautiful like her cousins Janna, Kate and Sarah, all of whom had braces and are now gorgeous!!!

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