Friday, March 26, 2010

Way down south on the "Withalacoocie"

Today we met up with two couples from the Island (Dave and Sue Smith and Al and Joan Luce), and took a tour of the Withalacoocie (Indian for Little Great River) river and then dinner at Stumpknockers. Yeah, it's a crazy name...we had no idea what it meant until our tour guide told us it was a kind of fish that actually knocks up against the stumps, docks, etc. to loosen the moss, bugs, for food for their young.

The tour was very interesting, the food good, and the company great.

And of course, I had to wrestle an alligator....

Salt with a thousand and one questions for the guide.....

Sue enjoying the cruise....

Al and Joan.....

Wild rice growing along the river banks, once harvested by the Indians.

Alligators out sunning.....

This was such an interesting stone wall. It looked like sand bags...and we found out that it was made by filling gunny sacks with concrete and stacking them. It hardened, the sacks rotted and this is what was left. This is no longer legal because of the chemicals in concrete.
The air ferns are just starting to stem out and will soon be sprouting little purple flowers. They live totally on air.

Florida is SO different from the river Salt and I live first I didn't really see the beauty in it. The longer we are here, the more we are growing to love it. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These are the "knees" of the Bald Cyprus.....they supply the oxygen to the tree.

This guy just came out.....

These 4 turtles are for you Emma....Pop and I can't wait until you can come down and we can take you on some of these nature will go crazy!!!

There wasn't a ripple in the water as we cruised home right before sunset....check out the reflection.....

The wildlife was enjoying the sunshine as much as we were. Love the beautiful Blue Heroins.

And finally....DINNER..

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