Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My glass won't ever be empty in my optomistic mind...

Yesterday when we were at Mt. Rushmore I ran into a very friendly woman from California. We got talking and she asked me if we had been to Crazy Horse Memorial yet. When I told her we had not she proceeded to tell me what a wonderful attraction it was and insisted we not miss it. When I mentioned it to Salt he recalled one of his friends also telling him not to miss it.
We decided to stay over another night and check it out!!

WOW!! I'm almost afraid everything else will be anti-climatic after our tour of the ENTIRE attraction. www.crazyhorse.org/ . If you check out only one web site, let it be this one! Having a grandfather who was half Indian and a grandfather who was all Polish, my interest was sparked immediately. The memorial is a moving tribute to Indian ancestors and the sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski an incredibly talented Polish sculptor who has left an amazing legacy. I can't even imagine someone taking on a project of this magnitude. His wife and 7 of his 10 children are continuing the project.
Besides the magnificent mountain sculptor still in progress there is an incredible museum full of amazing Indian artifacts, artwork and history.
This sculptor is a model of what the completed project will look like. This sculptor is 1/34 the size of the one on the mountain.

This is the head which I photographed from a great distance. I believe the head alone is 86' high.

This is another magnificent wooden sculptor done by the same artist.

After we were through with the exhibits we strolled into the Laughing Water Restaurant and ended up having a late lunch of Tatanka stew (made with Buffalo meat) and Native American Taco served on Indian Fry Bread.

When we finally finished up at the museum, we came home, caught up on laundry and grocery shopping. We have mapped out our route for tomorrow. We will be heading for Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota (Badlands).

1 comment:

jill said...

I'm jealous! Looks like you guys are having a great time!