Monday, June 16, 2008

I drive myself crazy trying to stay out of my own way....

I can't believe I am this far behind in blogging....Thursday is going to be one of the BEST days of my summer! High Speed Internet is on Grindstone and coming to our house!!! I have had SO much trouble with Verizon wireless. They have paid my roaming charges for almost 2 years (as much as $800 a month) and now they decided they don't want to do it anymore. Everyone on the North side of the island is SO disgusted with roam charges we are fed up. I will be going on Ridgetel high speed and have switched to AT&T for cell. The local Verizon personnel have been wonderful but the corporate personnel are CLUELESS. that little rant is over....and NO I am not paying the charges. That has been resolved, however, not without a lot of misery.

Thank God for my camera or I wouldn't even remember what the last week brought. Speaking of my camera, I did finally get my new one. It's awesome, but....I am not using it until I have read every word in the manual....For those of you who know me well, that's pretty amazing isn't it? I love to just grab things out of the package and try it out!!! However, from the looks of these pictures I had better hurry. I know my card is totally worn out but I don't want to buy another as I know it won't fit the new camera. I guess that wasn't really straight thinking since I promised to have the camera fixed for Emma before I gave it to her. Jim seems to think one of the pixels has burned out????
Speaking of Jim, it sure is nice to have a "Rocket Scientist" for a neighbor. At the time I was building the new house, he said "make sure you have your electrician wire with Cat 5". I had no clue what he was talking about but followed his directions. Now that the high speed is on it's way, Jim came over and put in a router and wired everything up so he can network for me, which means, Rachael and Emma can be on one while Salt is on his and I am on mine. That is going to be so much cooler than what we have now. Thanks Jim....and Salt thanks you for bringing the backhoe over and digging the ditch for the new wiring to his shop!

Actually, Salt and I both got new cell phones, I am getting a new laptop computer and handing this one down to Salt so he can have his own little office. I also bought a "Blue tooth" and Salt has an IPOD that he received as a Christmas present and hasn't even been out of the package due to all of the problems with Verizon or dial up Internet.

I am hiring Betty to come down for a day and give me a day of "technology training". Hopefully after that I will be able to do some "creative blogging". It seems like lately I have only been able to publish pictures and notes.

Let's see....last Wednesday we were invited to Rex and Janet Ennis's for turkey dinner. We were joined by Jeff and Abby Rand, Zell Steever, Liz Raisbeck, June Augusbury, Janice McPhail as well as Janet's sister Marty.

I'm not sure whether Jeff thinks he might get a bigger plate by cuddling up to the cook???

Check out the good food on Janice's plate....sure made her happy!!

Marty, Liz and Zell.....

Thursday morning Janice McPhail hosted the weekly Women's Coffee. There was a great turnout as well as tons of delicious "goodies"!

Marty...taking pictures of me taking pictures of her....
Janice what are you saying that put that look on Mary Lou's face????

Ellen Adamson, June Augusbury and Liz Raisbeck enjoying the goodies....

Joan Tolette deserves a picture of her own since I couldn't seem to capture her at all last week in her home.

Oh yeah....Ellen and I slipped off the island for a pedicure and paraffin treatment. I decided to photograph Ellen's legs instead of my own since they are MUCH thinner!!! I keep asking God if he can't make me thinner to PLEASE make my friends fatter....not working!

All kinds of little maters which have been hanging over our head were accomplished this week!
The "bug man" was here to treat the house for spiders and ants.

And the "best" thing that happened was our dear friend Clay Kolle, who is also our CPA was here on Saturday to complete our horrendous 2007 tax return and also for a great visit. With our crazy summers over the past 3 years we have missed out on time with Clay, Kay and Frank and Mel Towner. They are going on the calendar this year....before everyone gets over committed!
Thanks for all of your help are a great friend and and a "Godsend" for a CPA!!
And I am watching my savings account drive away. Gas was delivered to the island...sure made me remember to take my blood pressure medicine before I opened the bill!!

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