Monday, June 09, 2008

When your prized possesions start to weigh you down....

Today we ran into an old friend who is in the process of selling her large home and building a smaller one. She asked us if we had ever regretted our decision to "downsize". I told her my only regret would be that I didn't do it 10 years earlier. I know it is a huge decision when one decides to part with "collectibles" and all the STUFF collected over a lifetime. I can honestly say I have NEVER missed anything we parted with. I look back now and think of how long I actually worried about leaving the house with the big gun collection and pieces of jewelry I never wore anymore. I was a babysitter to unimportant things. We so love hopping in our motor home and just going wherever we please....and now when we come back home our life is so much more carefree. We are so enjoying our quality time with family and friends without worrying about lawns, gardens and lots of housework. Salt of course is still doing all the above, but now for $$$$$.

What a hectic weekend. Emma had her awards ceremony for Girl Scouts and was awarded 21 new badges. She has found her niche with the scouts! Oh by the way Betty....I hope she is bugging you EVERY day to get the badges on her sash (like you did..ha ha). I do notice that you get to iron them on where in the "olden days" when you were little I had to SEW them on.

Good Job Emma!

Salt and I were on our way to pick up the mail last night when we frightened a Mama deer and new fawn. Mama ran one way and the little guy the opposite direction where he got tangled in the weeds. Salt untangled him and fortunately I had the camera in my pocket. After we put him down, Mom was only a few yards away waiting for us to leave. Salt wanted to know why I cut his head off.....hmmmm another picture of Salt or a rare picture of a new fawn?????

Karen and Stub were down for coffee this morning.....reviewing the highlights of the 50th birthday party on Sunday.

Here is Karen with a cake any "old lady" would envy!! We all love Maxine!!!

We had an opportunity to visit with many friends...a rare visit with John Marra. John is the son of Phil and Yuvonne who I am sure will make the blog many times this year. I am sure they will be the beaming grandparents on July 12 when their beautiful grand daughter Jacey will be married here on the river.

Karen (middle) with her sister Laurie (left) and daughter Jada. Laurie and Jada hosted the party and did a wonderful of not only supplying all of us with good food and laughter but also managed to keep it a surprise from easy task!

Now for a woman who ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY did NOT want a party, she doesn't look too unhappy!

Salt and I sitting in the back of Bill and Gwen Taylor's boat as we were being chauffeured to the mainland for the party. A real treat for Captain Salt, as he is usually the one in the driver's seat!
Here is our chauffeur Bill Taylor (one of the few lawyers I actually LOVE; not that it keeps me from telling him every nasty lawyer joke I hear) and his lovely wife Gwen. Bill and Gwen also had a new home built by Kevin Garnsey (our contractor) and it is magnificent. Next time I am there I will definitely have my camera!

In my attempt to catch up on the many, many friends I owe dinners too, Saturday night we were graced with Phylis Schwartz, Elaine Brooks, Bruce Brooks and "Doc" Schwartz. The weather was perfect for a dinner on the river deck. What fun catching up!! Love you guys!!!

Spent a large part of the afternoon on the beach with Ellen. Since Jim is headed off to Ottawa for a business trip tomorrow, we decided she and I would head to Watertown for pedicures, haircuts, a movie and lunch. I made sure I treated Salt to dinner at the Koffee Kove this evening so I won't feel guilty when I throw him a peanut butter sandwich tomorrow night!!

Salt and I cruised over to Rex and Janet Ennis's this evening so I could procure the paperwork on my new high speed Internet which is being installed in the next week or so. A full gig!!! I can't wait....goodbye Verizon and all the hard times you have given me with your stupid roaming charge removal!!!

Wednesday, Bible Study begins. We are going to be working the Purpose Driven Life. I am excited to rework it...I worked it 2 summers ago with Frank Augusbury. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds with a group of 15.

Also turkey dinner on Wednesday at the Ennis's.

I can't slow down!

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