Thursday, June 05, 2008

sometimes the best things in life are unanswered prayers

Happy Birthday Joe!!

Here he is on his first birthday in 1955. He still has the same hairdo!

In 1954 as soon as I knew my mother was pregnant, I started praying for a sister...didn't happen. Instead on June 5, my brother and best friend Joe was born. Through all the good and bad times, he has been with me. I could go on and on about all night card games, almost fatal skiing trips, etc. etc.

As I was going through the photo albums, I noticed he seemed to get in every picture I was in.

My mom always told the story about how dad had told us he was a "big" baby, weighing in at over 9#s. Back before disposable diapers, there were cloth diapers and rubber pants (plastic) that were put over the diaper. I took my $.25 and went into J.J. Newberries and bought a pair of rubber pants for him to wear home. The sales clerk asked what size I wanted and I told her they were for a VERY large baby (I was 8 years old). She says to me..."do you think you need the jumbo ones?" She didn't know they were for a newborn.... Well, my mother not wanting to hurt my feelings put the pants on him. Here was this little tiny baby with these spindly legs hanging out of pants made for a 3 year old. I can still see it in my mind.

Here he is with me on my 10th birthday and the first store bought cake to ever enter our house. Thanks to my Godmother Aunt Jenny!

This is one of the very few pictures of me, when I was a child, with short hair. This must have been awhile after my mother cut it off because she had told me NOT to go in the old chicken coop. However, my girlfriend and I decided to turn it into a playhouse. We came out plastered with chicken lice. Mom was SO mad at me that she just cut it all off (was down to my waist) so she could get the lice out easier. My dad was so po'd at her for cutting it!!! Yep, Emma didn't fall far from the tree!!

1 comment:

jill said...

Those pictures are great! I love seeing family photos like that.