Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The thing that makes me feel most down is the feeling that I am living in a ghost town....

Yesterday we took a quick trip to St. Augustine to try and fit in a couple of things we didn't catch last year. Before we left, Gene had me stop at the Ocala National Park office and pick up my "Senior Pass" It has an initial cost of $10 but is good for a lifetime and gives you entrance to a lot of the federal parks, monuments, etc., either free or at a reduced rate. The really cool part is Salt can get in with me. There are SOME perks to getting old!!

There is so much to see and do there it is impossible to fit it all in to one or two visits. Next visit will definitely include one of the guided night ghost walks.....they look so cool.

Our first stop was at the fort..... Since the admission was $6.00/person we are already ahead with the pass!

I always like to add these pictures for Emma.....

this fort is in FL so even though it got cold.....I can't even imagine what the forts in the North were like. Everything was so damp/cold and moldy....

After we toured the fort, we meandered down to the old shopping section. Here are some of the herbs in the old drugstore. Very interesting as they had all the things they would help/cure.

It was fun going through the old bottles to see what is still being used .....

The quaint old streets.....

and the street musicians....this guy was truly a one man band....

this guy was an amazing banjo player.....why is he looking like this and on the streets?????

And our last stop....the St. Augustine Lighthouse in the fog......

Terry and Salt were the only two brave (or dumb) ones who decided to take on the stairs after a day of hiking.....
And this is what the guys looked like after climbing the 251 steps.....Terry, you are such an actor. I think you missed your calling...ha ha

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