Sunday, August 09, 2009

Oh golly gee, I want to the Little Red Schoolhouse!!

Today was the 10Th anniversary of the One Room Schoolhouse museum. The school was used right up into the early 1990's. Ten years ago, rather than letting it go by the way as so many of the old schoolhouses have. A group of concerned Islanders got together and created a wonderful museum which not only preserves the history but also is used for summer craft classes for the island children, a meeting place for classes such as the boater's safety, etc. Each year at the annual picnic, they also award scholarships to children who have roots to the island.

And as you can see, the food is always great....Salt looks very pleased!

Brenda Patch takes a turn at selling calendars, note cards, and lap blankets.

And here we go....MORE great desserts!!!

Our dear friend LoLita Pfeiffer (who will kill me when she sees this photo, because she is a beautiful woman and this is a lousy picture)....just returned this morning from a summer in Alaska crewing for her son Cavin who owns a fishing boat. I can't wait to hear her stories....she says she has some good ones!! OK Lolita, I had to put this pic in because it is SO good of Elaine Brooks!

The crowd was unbelievable especially as we were under threat of rain and thunder storms. It held out until just as they were starting to clean up....thank you God!!

John and Fran, entertain with their wonderful music abilities....They also had a big party at Dodge Hall last night....sometimes I wish I could be two of me so not to miss out on anything. I know two of me would be a very scary thing to imagine!!!

Everyone trying to get their last minute bids into the silent auction. I managed to get Salt a $40 sweatshirt for $26 and a $25 gas certificate to a local gas station for $16, as well as a new jigsaw puzzle for Emma for $3.00. A good day....It works out well for me because I only want the practical stuff and not all the expensive art, decoys, etc.!!

And now to close with a picture of our oldest granddaughter (Sarah, 5th from left). She celebrated her 18th birthday on the 5h of August. Here she is with a group of her girlfriends ready to board the limo for the Cheesecake Factory! Rachael's birthday is coming up on the 13th of August and Emma's was the 28th of July.....They are all so close together!

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