Friday, July 09, 2010

And on the Fourth of July they signed it and 56 names underlined it...And now to honor those first 13 states...We turn the sky into a birthday cake...

As the last rays of another beautiful St. Lawrence sunset faded away, we all sat in anticipation for the third annual North Shore private fireworks display. Jim, Ellen and Daniel Adamson, host the event each year. Ellen busies herself with decorations, choreographing Americana music and wonderful drinks and snacks, while Jim and Dan set off the always superb show.

Now here is Shirley Taylor, one of the island fashionistas, all decked out for the onslaught of mosquitoes we always anticipate!
And of course Emma, the jr fashonista...wearing her angel halo....can't fool us Em. She also sang her annual patriotic "God Bless America". She was SO funny...the last 2 years she was not the least bit nervous and now as she enters puberty and is sensitive about EVERYTHING, all of a sudden she was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof..,,,


David, so proud of his 3 pronged marshmallow roaster....he was quite proud that his was better than his friend Jim the "rocket scientist" who only had a sharpened stick....I love my friends, they are all so entertaining!

Emma befriended Julia Taylor, and asked if she could be her sister since she was a "only child"....what a kid. A happier child has never been born! She is Pop's and my heartbeat!
Jim (our host) with Peter our friend from England. We will be attending a cookout at Weezie's and Peter's home on McRea Point on Saturday.
Here are two of my island heroes....Margaret and Chester Taylor both in their 90s and still going strong in both body and mind. Chester is a retired oral surgeon and Margaret a nurse. Chester to this day raises one of the best gardens on the island....all by himself, including the rototilling. It is not uncommon to see him wielding a chainsaw or building a rock garden. A perfect example of good living, generous, healthy eaters and hard workers!

And here is Renato Sarti, pretending he doesn't love all the attention from the woman. Oh yeah, that is Ellen and Dan in the background....they were so busy I never even got a good picture of them....sorry guys!