Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shall we gather at the River...Where bright angel feet have trod...With its crystal tide forever...Flowing by the throne of God...

Today was the annual "Outdoor Service" held on the river at the home of Dan and Janice McPhail.

In all the years I have been attending our Island church, I believe this was the most moving service I can remember. I think of course, the fact that two of my favorite babies were Christened, may have a lot to do with that!!

Jeff McArn, Chaplain at Colgate University, serves as our summer minister. Here he welcomes the crowd and gives thanks for a most beautiful sunny, warm day.

Our hostess, Janice McPhail.....

Caroline Larson reports on the Outreach program activity....

Eliza Moore a most amazing talent joins Jeff with his guitar. Having a college chaplain certainly brings some young blood to the ministry.

The children's lesson.....

Chairs, rocks, grass...anywhere you could grab a seat....It reminded me of hearing the stories of Jesus preaching to the multitudes..without the loaves and fish of course..

Clay Kolle and his family came in their beautiful wooden boat the "Deary", and found a spot in the shade.

Debbie Donaldson, did an interpretive dance to the bible reading. She was joined by her daughter Jayce and one of her Canadian students. Debbie's dance/acting group will be presenting High School Musical 2 on July 30-31. excuse to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant in Gananoque before the show!

Salt was elbowing me during the sermon, pointing out the DUCT tape on the minister's shoes. My first thought was OH NO!! he has gone totally "Grindstone" (we use duct tape for everything since there is no hardware store on the island).....then I realized he was wading in the water for one of the baptisms and didn't want to ruin his good shoes......
Here all the little children lead the procession to the river for Greyson Field's baptism.

As we all marched down, Eliza played "Wade in the Water" as the congregation sang....
Jeff took Greyson right into the river....the reeds reminding me of a picture I had as a child of Moses floating in his straw basket among the reeds. Jeff did such a great job....he spoke of Jesus being baptized in the River Jordan by John the was such an AWESOME ceremony. It actually brought me to tears (along with many others).......

Back up the hill for Lindsey Boyer's Christening.....Both kids were amazing....not a tear shed even in the heat!

I finally got a chance to meet Jayce and Jason's beautiful son James. James is Debbie and Steve Donaldson's grandson (first) and Phil and Yuvone Marra's first great grandson. It is so neat to see another generation being born and brought to the river.....

And here is Murphy, the McPhail's pup. I was trying to get him to smile and show his new $1,900.00 root canal. Dan started up the chain saw and Murphy attacked it. You can't help but laugh, even though it could have been much more serious.....And of course, I am sure Dan was not laughing when he paid the Doggie Dentist!!
A small group of us (family) gathered at Stub and Karen's for a celebratory luncheon.
Anna Larson (One of Greyson's two Godmothers) with Jada.....

Here is Greyson listening to his dad, who is deployed to Kuwait, congratulate him.
This little cutie is Ell...Mike and Sarah Matthews daughter. She was my camera on my lap and came up to me, tapped me on the leg and said "cheese"....she is ADORABLE!
Couldn't resist a picture of Josh's beautiful garden....will be buying our produce from him whenever he has extra.....yum!

I told Jada I needed at least one picture of her with her son. I think I have pictures of half the island holding one can resist him.

After a full day, what better place to crash than on Grandma's lap under a shade tree!!!

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