Saturday, October 27, 2007

I am the shadow of the moon at night...filling your dreams to the brim of fright...

We are now in our permanent lot for the month. We are a few spots down from the beach and right across from the indoor heated pool, library and recreation center (which is also used for the church). We absolutely love it here....if the winters were just a little warmer we would stay right here for the winter.

Salt took some time and got the bikes put in good order earlier this evening. We took a ride along the ocean right at sunset and then bopped over to the pool for a few laps.

We went to church this morning and by time we got the rig moved and set up, I didn't get a chance to get out with the camera. I did however get the photos from last night put on the computer.

Here are some of our favorite "kids" from last night.

Twin favorite!!

First prize most original teenager.....The Headless Horseman

The annual Pie Eating contest....these guys must still be hurting. The one in the blue shirt finally won....after consuming over 2 whole pies and I don't know how much whipped cream. As soon as they would get thought the whipped cream and start to get into the pie one of the judges would come over and give them another squirt.

Most original RV

Two scary guys!
This guy kept squeezing this little bulb which made blood run down his face.

Cheerleaders.... I guess I liked these girls because they reminded me of my grand daughters when they were cheering....we miss them! The adult winners....
First Place for Scariest....Chuckie

Salt's favorite ....the butterfly

This little girl was a hoot....She took a piece of candy, looked at me and asked if she could have two. I told her that would be alright and she said "maybe I will have 3". Doesn't that sound like something Emma would do?

Tomorrow at 8:00 I start water aerobics three days a week and floor aerobics 3 days. The payment for all those good restaurants!!!

Oh yes, the kids were able to go back to their home today. They have no power or water but the eminent fire danger is over and they just wanted to be out of the motel room. Fortunately about 2 years ago Salt and I bought them a generator (there was a hurricane threat while they were in Virginia Beach). They will haul drinking water and just try to do the best they can. We are still not sure when they can go back to work or the kids back to school. Mike said their house was in good shape but there was a lot of damage right across the street.

Thank all of you who offered concern and prayers!

They are not totally out of the woods, as there is a concern about the winds picking up again this week. However, the Grass Valley at this time is 90% contained so it would appear the eminent danger is over.

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