Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I can't stop loving you.....

And it seems that is how all of Elvis's fans still feel, 30 years after his death.

Yesterday was a rainy Monday and the lines were still long. It is also amazing how many flower arrangements, teddy bears and notes still come in on a daily basis. The man will never really die.

Which of course brings me to this story. You all know, I am always kidding about Elvis still being alive...well, I met someone crazier than myself (hard to believe isn't it??). I was standing in line waiting for the shuttle to take us back to the car museum and this woman started talking to me and I swear to God she was dead serious when she said..."you know I REALLY believe he is still with us". After that she went into all the reasons she believed it. I of course listened and hung on every word, assuring her I thought she was right....huh????

You almost forget what a phenomenon the man was. I know Colonel Parker did an amazing job of exploiting Elvis, but he was a tremendous entertainer. It's pretty impressive to look at the number of gold and platinum 45's and albums he was awarded.

I particularly loved the displays of all his clothing through the years. Who could forget his most famous (I believe) jumpsuit. They show a movie of him singing his trilogy at one of his last concerts and when he sings about all his trials will soon be over....the whole room is still and full of watery eyes!Entrance to the Car Museum
And the pink Cadillac he bought his mother

He spent SO much money decorating and it was SO tacky.

Loved the Lisa Marie with the 24 karat gold seat belts, gold sinks and this elaborate dining table.

Off to Atlanta, Georgia for the night and on Wednesday we will land in Myrtle Beach, SC where we will put down some roots for a month.

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