Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kids say the darndest things....

We woke up very early this morning....some idiot came in during the night with 4 yapping puppies and had them out in a cage at the crack of dawn. Fortunately someone immediately called Security (so I didn't have to!) and he had them in his motor home in minutes. Are people like this rude or just DUMB????

This morning there was an advertisement for the Disney Thanksgiving Parade....led by none other than Chip and Dale. It immediately reminded me of a picture we took last year when Emma was getting their autograph. When we were reviewing them on the computer, Emma says "Grandma, I just love that picture of me with Chip and Dip". She is so funny!

Well, about 3 minutes after the advertisement they went to the weather and it is 80 degrees in Orlando. It's beautiful here, but a little cold for the beach. I came up with this brilliant (well maybe not brilliant but certainly cool) idea. I broached the possibility of heading to Orlando and spending Thanksgiving at Disney. Our season passes are still valid through March of 2008. We had wanted to spend a couple of days there before the kids arrived for Christmas. We like to get the maps and know exactly what we want to do so we can avoid the long lines. We have such a system now that is is way more enjoyable than novices experience.

This is what we love about the motor home. Get an idea; get up and go!This RV resort is so good about giving your money back if you decide to leave early. looks as though we will be leaving in a day or two and heading for Thanksgiving in Orlando.
Now, I am going to start designing our 2007 Christmas Card.

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