Friday, November 30, 2007

See ya later alligator....

On our way to Wal Mart (don't pick on me...I had to get a prescription filled!) yesterday, Salt exclaimed, "wow, look at that alligator"! I of course said, "yeah right it's probably just a blown tire". Salt is always seeing imaginary things that turn out to be bushes or bales of hay. We turned around and went back to check it out and yep it was a gator. I think he had been trying to cross the road and was hit by a car. However, I wasn't about to get out and see, just in case he was napping! The comical part was that about a foot in front of him was a big sign indicating a hiking trail. I don't think so!
We are on a major cleaning spree yesterday and today. Windows, screens, etc. Emmy will be in this afternoon and once she arrives we plan to do nothing but visit!

1 comment:

jill said...

that's so funny about Salt seeing things. I am horrible driving at night and often see monkeys or people standing on the side of the road waiting to jump out in front of me, so I know what he's talking about.
I wonder if we'll see gators in the wild when we're down there...hopefully not in my yard.