Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life isn't about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain..(author unknown)

The kids (Mike and family) called first thing this morning....they are just outside Oklahoma City, headed for Arkansas. They have some bad rains but have managed to escape any of the tornado far. I think they are pretty well out of the danger area but are probably going to be in some pretty heavy rains for a good part of the day.

The weather has been "OK" here but not exactly beach weather.....good excuse to do a little practice bowling and...

a trip to one of my FAVORITE stores, for a start on decorating the new house in Florida.

We also found a couple of neat items for the Grindstone home. Just starting to get the itch to get back to the island. Definitely going to keep it under wraps until the ice is out of the river. According to Betty it is going fast!

We took a walk around the park and grabbed a few pictures.
When Emma gets here these ducks will gain 10 lbs....she feeds them all of our bread if I don't hide it!!
One of the many lakes within the resort...

the outside you can see everyone was at the inside one.

We received a text from Janna yesterday....they aren't going to get down next week. Janna has started track and there is no way they are going to let her out of practice. We are disappointed but she, Sarah and Rachael are making big plans for time on the island.
Salt just got back from his beach walk....he has also been doing a lot of biking. Getting a little nervous about getting back to the "real world" of working 6 days a week....I think he is going to get a good warm-up when he gets to VA Beach. Rachael said they are leaving him lots of boxes to unpack and Robin is starting a "to do" list for him and Mike.
The sun is out and we are off for some new adventure. Karen and Stub will be here some time today. Salt is looking forward to a fishing buddy!!

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