Friday, May 02, 2008

I stand by my right to speak freely....

A two part interview with my hero (Bill O'Reilly) and Hillary Clinton (no comment). John McCain will be on next week and Obama still hasn't come forward. Who is he, and can he enter the "No Spin Zone"???? Time will tell.....

Speaking of "The No Spin Zone".....I am hoping one of my kids come through with a "Don't be a Pinhead" shirt for their mom for Mother's Day!!! I told Salt to drop a hint! The kids always ask what I want and I never really want "stuff" but I do want one of those shirts! I would prefer one that says "I am a Bill O'Reilly Groupie" but I don't think they are offered...maybe I will create one!

Salt helped Jim (Adamson) do some lugging last night as he moved back to the island. Jim joined us for dinner (stroganoff) and will be back tonight for homemade chicken soup and cornbread. This is the one good part of being back on the island....homemade food! Since there are no restaurants here...the creative cooking is back on track. Tomorrow night we will join the Ennis family over at "Spook hollow" for burgers. Will be fun to start seeing all our island friends again.

OK....the caps are off the Aero Garden....4 days!

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