Monday, September 21, 2009

I'm remembering the days before I went away...Back in the hills of Old Vermont. And the orchard on the hill....I think I see it still.

Our adventure in Quechee, VT started out with a trip to Sugarbush Farm . This is where we first found out how much "free food" there is to be consumed in VT!!!

Although it has been warm, we have had enough breeze that we haven't been able to go up in the balloon yet. They are calling for a beautiful week coming up so if we don't catch one in VT we will try again in New Hampshire or Massachusetts....

This was the store at the farm.....samples of everything!!!

I am serious....everything!!

A farm chapel, so tiny but the setting for many weddings and celebrations.

All kinds of animals....these baby goats were SO funny; I swear they were putting on a show butting each other and frolicking.

The owner's shirt...

The really cool thing about many of these places is the fact that so much of the work is done right in the home or in the back of the store. All of the owners/workers are so willing to let you watch and take pictures. These girls were packing cheese for shipment and were SO funny and friendly.
then back to the sugar house....for a movie and self guided tour of the plant. all these famous brands have "0" natural maple in them!!!

On our way to Billings Farm and Museum..... we actually crossed our first covered bridge!

Salt and I both loved the Farm Museum......lots of memories revisited!

This particular display reminded me of my dad milking our cows when we were also reminded me of the time I bought cigarette loads at the county fair and put one in my dad's Camels and it blew up while he was milking. Scared the crap out of both my dad AND the cow. The cow kicked over the whole pail of milk and I think I am still grounded!!! If it had been one of the boys they would have had their bottoms paddled....I however just got a tongue lashing!

And you all think Emma is a devil.......

The treadmill (which I DON'T remember).....

George and I both spent many hours pouring water on the sharpening saw while my dad sharpened saws!!

There was a great quilt exhibit this weekend......

We took a tour of the "Farm Manager's home"....WOW, nicer than many wealthy people had in that time period. Again I have tons of pictures but will post only this one of the bath which I loved because of the tub!!!

After the tour of the museum we toured the farm which is actually a working farm. All the milk cows are prize winning Jerseys....and top of the line breeders.

And here is one of the new calves (2 days old)......

The beautiful draught horses....
The buildings are all so well kept!!!!

On the way back to the motor home, we decided to stop at one of the many local farm markets. It just so happened they had a bunch of their providers giving samples of their products....oh my gosh, pumpkin filled ravioli, grilled chicken, grilled veal, cheeses, slices of wonderful whole grain home made breads, pies, and I can't even remember what else. And of course when we stopped it was right before dinner and we were starving......

More touring tomorrow.....we are having SO much fun!! The weather has been beautiful (warm days, cool nights) and the colors are really starting to pop!!

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