Tuesday, July 11, 2006

That's What Friends Are For.....

Gwen & Bill Taylor, indulging in Peter's "infamous" Whiskey Sours!

Peter also indulging...notice the pucker!

Last night was cocktails and dinner at the Rossmassler's. Along with our hosts, we were joined by Bill & Gwen Taylor (Arizona residents in Winter) and Fred and Linda Jackson (Florida residents in Winter).

Why did I think I might possibly drop some weight this summer??? It's one party after another. Frances put on her usual delicious spread and of course was sure to invite our dog "River" in for dinner and dessert!

I received a call from Lauren Ennis, of the "Hamptons" (Binghamton) this afternoon, inviting me to tea ; I said I would love to attend and that is when she informed me that it would be at my house... And she and Weezie Ford (winter resident of London, England) would be here at 4:00...."OK"...as long as I don't have to change my shirt with spattered Chicken Ala Orange (dinner for the Augusbury's, this evening) or mop the raspberry jam and pie off the kitchen floor. Gosh, I wish I could have been this laid back during all those years with Bill and IBM. Oh well, at least I am doing it now!

Emma comes home from camp today and will pick her new glasses up tomorrow. Since she will be in Watertown, Betty decided to take her to the Jefferson County Fair. Somehow in one of my stupors, I agreed to take Matthew, Janna and Danny Adamson with them. This could be a problem for Salt since Danny has started working for him today. Guess Dan will have to make that decision!

LoLita Pheiffer (Winter resident of Michigan) called and invited us to a big campfire/sing-along tomorrow evening. As I was talking to her, Salt is just shaking his head muttering...how many hours does she think (meaning me) there are in a day. I also agreed to work for one of the nurses on Friday and Saturday is my scheduled 12 hour shift. Sunday is Amy Pullaw's Bridal Shower in Gananoque and Sunday evening Fran Purcell's (Vermont resident in winter) wedding reception. Fran was married in VT a few weeks ago but will be celebrating with Island family and friends on Sunday. And how was your week...????


jill said...

Phew! And I thought I was keeping busy!
I remember Amy from the days on Hay Island.
She and Betty and I put on a circus or a fair or something like that.

rich said...

this entry sets an historical milestone as my fathers first photo on the internet. exciting! sounds like you are having lots of fun. so glad things worked out for river to stay with bill. and your house looks great.