Saturday, July 29, 2006

They Say It's Your Birthday....

What a week it has been. The contractors made a ton of progress on the house, which put the pressure on me to get all of the paneling pickled/varnished or painted. I hired Paige Garnsey to help. Boy, was I in for a surprise. Paige is only 13 so I was thinking she would be helpful, but I never imagined a kid of that age would be as ambitious and skilled as she turned out to be. She kept up with me for 8 hours a day...very few breaks. Paige is attending Basketball Camp mornings next week but will be back to help me finish up in the afternoons. What a joy she is to work with!

Yesterday was Emma's 7th birthday. It's hard believe she is 7 already. I love the picture of her with her new American Girl Doll (Molly). She managed to con Grandma into that one! When the catalogue came she was thumbing through the pages and stopped at Molly and exclaimed that with her new glasses she looked just like Molly, so should have her. Made perfect sense to a grandmother!!

The new bike is from Pop. I wouldn't even want to guess how many miles she has already put on that.

Since Betty had to work last night, we moved the party over to the Augusbury's. Sparky Howard-Smith and his family are here for two weeks so they were able to share Em's birthday with her. Ashley is just a few months older than Emma.

Joe and Rindy arrived last night with Janna, Matt and Paul. Loaded with groceries and fresh blueberries they are all managing to function just fine without Aunt Kitty's usual home cooked meals and counters full of baked goods. Working weekends has put a big crimp in my social life!!

1 comment:

jill said...

happy birthday emma!!!
eliza will be 8 tomorrow and she is an american girl fan too.
your house is looking beautiful!!
i'm jealous, although i'm still having fun in the camper and am in no hurry to get back into a house.