Wednesday, October 24, 2007

There's a mighty fire on that there hill....

We went to bed last night pretty confident the kids house would be spared. When we switched on the news this morning we heard that 10,000 more homes in Grass Valley were being threatened (the kids live on Grass Valley Road). I hate the 3 hour time difference between us and Mike.

When I finally got in touch with Mike, he said they were hurting for information....everything is such a mess. They did find out that even if the house does not burn it will be at least 3 weeks to a month before they can go back to it and to work, due to downed power lines and devastation.
I am sure they already have a lot of smoke damage. Right now they are considered the third largest of the fires.

1 comment:

jill said...

Thanks for the update. We're certainly thinking of those guys and hoping things aren't too bad for them.