Monday, March 16, 2009

3, 2, 1 on some "Space Shuttle" mission...

Last week we drove over to Titusville to watch the Shuttle launch.....shortly after we arrived, they scrubbed the mission. Consequently, we decided to watch it from the park last night.

Here was the first flash....

and then.....she took off!!!

speeding along leaving beautiful contrails....

We were so surprised how well we could see it and how long we could follow it.......

and we were shocked when we could actually see the power boosters separate....

To me, every launch is just as exciting as the last......

After the launch, we all gathered at the Muldoons for awhile before ending another fun filled day in sunny FL. I love this group of people....they may have a drink or two, but it isn't the center of their entertainment. Consequently the gatherings are filled with stimulating, intelligent conversations without any of the belligerent, boisterous nonsense....(well, of course there are many jokes intertwined)... Love you guys!!

Since Terry and Susie don't have a fire pit...we had to settle for the poor man's version of a fire....a candle in the middle of the crowd. Don't worry Terry...the market's coming back, pretty soon you will be able to buy some new toys!!!

Doug and Gene trying once again to avoid the camera.....

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