Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You'll feel a part of every mountain, sea and shore.....

Today we took a little side trip in to Penobscot, to check out the observatory and Fort Knox . The picture below is the Penobscot bridge. If you look to the top of the left tower you can see the windows of the observatory...the only observatory bridge in the Western Hemisphere and the tallest in the world. The structure has won multiple awards for engineering excellence.

The observatory is at 420 feet-42 stories the tallest occupied structure in Maine. The 360 degree views of the Penobscot River and Bay, the Maine countryside and the distant mountains to the west are spectacular....and yes, on a clear day (such as yesterday) it does seem like you can see forever!

The observatory from the ground.....

This is the compass inlaid in the floor at the top of the observatory.

Here we are at the top!

looking down.... and across.

We then visited Fort Knox, named after Major General Henry Knox, America's first Secretary of State and first Secretary of War and Commander of Artillery during the American Revolution. The other Fort Knox (in Kentucky) was also named after him.

Construction began in May 1844 and after 25 years when work finally stopped, the fort was still not completed.

Amazing stonework!

Good thing they didn't have frivolous lawsuits back then....this would have brought on a few, I'm sure!
Mighty big cannons....

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