Since we were leaving early Saturday morning for Texas, we decided to have Thanksgiving dinner at the clubhouse with our friends. Dinner was beyond fabulous.....besides the turkey potatoes and stuffing which the club provides, each family brought a dish to pass. The variety of food was unbelievable. Here is just about half of the table of food......

This was our table of friends.....we were joined by Gene and Ruth's son Dan with his wife Billie, and their two sons Luke and Wyatt.

Dan, Billie and the boys. These kids are absolutely the cutest little boys and just as smart as they are cute!! Wyatt is on the right and Luke was being a little shy.....I did some get some pictures later.

Terry humoring the boys (or was that Susie he was humoring??).....
Thanksgiving evening Gene and Ruth hosted an evening dinner with a fire and a birthday cake for me....Yep 63!!
Luke had warmed up to all the strangers and was very willing to have his picture taken by this time.

It was fun to have my birthday on Thanksgiving....Lots of birthday wishes at the clubhouse and I even won the 50/50. Heard from all the family and lots of friends.
Since none of us had any leftovers....Terry and Susie had us all down for Turkey sandwiches...yum, MY favorite part of Thanksgiving.
Bingo tonight and finish packing. Off at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Stay tuned to the blog for our three weeks on the road!!
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