Sunday, November 08, 2009

A wench by my side and a jug of mead...These are the things that I most need....

NO...I am not the wench referred to in the title....This woman is Snow White with her 7 dwarfs...OK, so it's not Snow White and these guys are not dwarfs but we sure had fun bowling on Friday. When I got to the allies, Ethel had me on the team with all men, so no way was I going to miss this photo op. We love our life here in Florida and are so lucky to be blessed with so many good and fun loving friends!

After bowling one lousy game, one really good game and another lousy game, we headed to Tavares to the Lady Lake Renaissance festival. This is the first time any of us attended a festival so we had no idea what we were in for. However, since they were running a Sr. Citizen $5.00 deal we decided to give it a try. So glad we did, what a hoot! Gene, Ruth and Salt entering "Europe".

The first jousting, spear throwing event was just starting when we arrived. I loved the fact that all the horses were "rescue horses".

In full armour. This is definitely an act of love of the sport to put yourself in this hot equipment on a hot Florida afternoon.

Let the competition begin......

A fire eater entertained us during lunch. I managed to find a half way healthy chicken fajita, but as you can well imagine, the concessions were like entering junk food heaven!!!

Some of the most amazing costumes and characters.....

Salt and Gene with the Queen.....

And a "Lord" with his daughter, Lady Victoria....

Of course Salt and Gene threw aside the queen for this most desirable wench.......She told them to come and have their picture taken, they could make her a "sandwench"....LOL

Dancing gypsies.....

The Hooligans, an excellent Celtic duo......

Oh are the two of them...

This is the setting for their very funny act as they are "laundry wenches".......

The "men" volunteers called up, played right along with them and made the show a great hit!!!

This is one of the volunteers trying to win a flower for his wife by parading around in his "man pants" and yelling some really funny lines!!

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