We are in New Orleans, at the Chateau Hotel in the French Quarter. This is the view from our second floor balcony.....

I love the courtyard.....We will be eating breakfast out here tomorrow morning before leaving on a 3 hour tour of the city.

A lot of the Christmas decorations are up, as tomorrow starts the Christmas festival.

We took a cruise down Bourbon Street before dinner. We decided to do it early, as tonight the Saints are playing the Patriots and after the game it will be pure madness.......
This is the outside of one of the Voodoo stores...

And....the inside....I have never seen so many voodoo dolls, fortune telling cards, etc. They had a palm reader on duty but none of us are interested in knowing the future!!

You see all kinds down here.......

And.....all kinds of crazy stores. I wish we were having a Mardi Gras celebration at the club this year. We saw so many cool accessories to dress up with!!

These kids were very good.....there are jazz performers all over the streets as well as in many of the bars, which are all open to the streets.

We walked into the shopping district where all of the Christmas lights were lit.

It is so interesting to go into McDonald's in different cities and see how they decorate based on the cultures.

There were a lot of policemen patrolling on horses. This guy they have handcuffed and getting ready to load in the paddy wagon was so drunk (drugged) he could not stand up!!!

This was one of the better jazz groups!! We are hoping to catch some more when we hit Jackson Square tomorrow afternoon.

We stopped in the office before heading to our rooms for the evening so we could book our tour for tomorrow. I thought the lobby was so cool....so "French"......
We didn't stop at Preservation Hall this trip. The line was long and it was too cold to stand around.
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