Monday, August 11, 2008

puttin on that suntan lotion...hope to cause a little comotion...

Friday was another dreary day....we, of course, didn't let that bother us. Robin cooked up her famous dip..Dave and Mike found the beer (early) and sang "it's 5:00 somewhere".....

It was so cool and damp, we actually ended up putting a fire in the wood stove. Emma, when she wasn't picking on her uncle Mike, enjoyed bonding with him.

Erma came down for dinner and got lots of hugs from all the kids. Robin is trying to get Erma and Frank to go to Virginia Beach for Christmas. Salt and I haven't confirmed plans but we are leaning toward Christmas there. The kids all had so much fun last Christmas at Disney they all would like to GO somewhere again as a family. With Robin in school and both she and Mike with new jobs, vacation won't be an option this year.....we are so over committed socially for the next month I can't even think December!!!

Dave had so much fun claiming to be Frank's twin who was given up at birth....they really do look and ACT a lot alike. Erma took it all in stride as they played their game all weekend. The more they drank, the more believable the prank became...

Friday night we celebrated the three granddaughter's birthdays. Here is Sarah showing off some of her gifts.

Emma and Rachael with new outfits for their dolls and yet another "Littlest Pet Shop" addition.

The weekend was supposed to be a total washout. Saturday, however turned out to be one of the nicest days of the summer. Just goes to show, prayer works!!! The kids spent the entire day in the river.
Here is Mike getting what he deserved!
Rachael, Emma and Sarah are going it or not!

I think Mike may be getting even with Sarah....

and Robin relaxing....

OK Emma, is that the bait or a "catch"???

The girls decided to take a canoe trip....Emma was in the water and Robin told her to get into the canoe....Betty was yelling "NO"...she will tip us over; Robin kept insisting!!!
None of them could quit laughing long enough to right the canoe.....

and back to the Emma and Rachael are in flight!

After a big cookout, everyone hopped in the Grindstone Limousine and headed to a birthday party which was to be held in Thurso Bay at the home of Arnie Cerio.

Here is Shilo, the singing dog. This dog is SO funny....every time someone starts singing "Happy Birthday" he sits up, throws his head back and "sings" the entire song. He gets invited to a lot of parties!

This is a decoy that Frank Slate (our son-in-law) carved for Arnie on his birthday...July 28th.
Carved from scraps left over from building our house.
And here is the birthday girl....Cindi, who is posing in one of her gifts (the "Still Hot" hat and wig) as she is probably being propositioned by Dave. Don't worry Arnie, he is harmless....or not????

After the nice gifts, Carolyn Bazinet presented Cindi with a "reality check" of the items being a pair of granny panties with an attached over the hill button.

and here I am, once again trying to keep Dave out of easy task!

After the party we all headed to the Dodge Memorial Center for the weekly Saturday night dance. This week was live music with some square dancing thrown in. Brenda Slate got a hold of Dave and taught him a thing or two about square dancing. He loved it (as the pictures show) and was disappointed when we dragged him home. It had been such a long day the girls were way overtired. There is no doubt Dave will be a regular on the island. He said he hadn't had as much fun since the Disney trip....after thinking awhile he said he had so much fun it must be illegal!

No Dave....your OTHER left!

The kids all left Sunday around noon. We hated seeing them go but will be meeting up with them again at the end of September. We will spend a few days in Virginai Beach before heading to Jeremy Bloom's wedding. Mike will be attending the wedding with us but Robin won't be able to get any time off school.
After the kids left, Salt, Betty and I headed for the Annual Schoolhouse Picnic. Rain held off and a good timewas had by all!

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