Monday, August 04, 2008

Too much of a good thing is a good thing

Two more party invitations yesterday....this particular one I thought was quite interesting, as I love the concept of having the house put on a river chart....especially as almost everyone who visits and looks at a chart asks the question" where exactly are you located"? After checking out the artist's name on the web, I find he is quite a renowned sportsman, author and artist .

The other party (next week) invitation, is written on a scrap of paper and is an invitation to a "Depression/Recession Party....drinks and dinner provided....Stock Market permitting!!
All must wear threadbare clothing and absolutely no jewelry! I can't wait to see the decorations and the menu. Our friend that is hosting it is such a hoot and SO clever with party themes!! Love you Elaine!!!

The BIG party of course is this weekend when all the kids get here. We will be celebrating all 3 of the granddaughters birthdays...... they are all within 3 weeks of each other.

After the 15th we are going on hold, as far as entertaining, for the rest of the summer. I need to make all my doctor/dentist/optometrist appointments, not to mention gathering all the necessary paperwork we will need while we are away for the winter. We have not established a date when we will close up and leave the island. Salt wanted to stay and work a while longer than he did last year. I on the other hand don't want to travel all the way to Raleigh, NC for Jeremy's wedding (Oct. 4) and turn around and come back to the island just to leave again 3 weeks later. We also want to spend some time in VA Beach with the kids before we leave for the winter. I guess we will play it by ear for the present?????

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