Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You can't even run your own life...I'll be damned if you'll run mine

Don't you just love it when people who really have no right interfering in other people's problems and never have all their facts correct ...jump right in and want to be the "savior"!

I guess after talking to several friends, many of whom have been targeted in the past, I just have to remember some people don't seem to have a life unless they are involved in everyone problems. The funny part is no one in particular was pointed out....I guess we are all just screwed up....them being the exception!

There are times in every one's life when there are family problems, problems with neighbors, problems with children and problems with organizations. As one of my very wise girlfriends once said...."unless you are invited into some one's problems you shouldn't visit them".

It did remind me of a passage I recently read and think I will include it in my meeting preps. Since we all run into these twerps, I thought I would share it.....

There comes a point in your life when you realize:
-who matters
-who never did
-who won't anymore
-and who always will
So don't worry about people from your past....there's a reason they didn't make it into your future!!
author unknown

I think it is going to be an interesting winter watching a bunch of these incidents unfold....sure glad I will be watching from a distance!

OK....now that I have had my little rant I will post about the people in my life who do matter!!!

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