Sunday, August 17, 2008

Roots go down, leaves come up......

Roots go down, leaves come up
with a bit of care and a measure of luck
The trees of life will grow tall
The seed's inside of us all

Steve Schuch

Sometimes these really strange things happen to me that I don't quite understand but even though it is not my plan, turns out to be exactly what I need or where I should be. It always reminds me of the old adage "If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him YOUR plans".

I had decided to skip church this morning justifying the decision with the fact that I would be doing a meeting this evening and would get my spiritual "fix" from that. While I was sitting with my cup of fresh ground Starbucks and a great book, something just clicked in that I really should make the effort and get to church. I did, and as it turns out one of my favorite preachers was doing the service today. DL Marshall is not your typical preacher....he will tell you before he starts, "Fasten your seat belts"! I love his messages....I PAY ATTENTION!! DL does not pretend to be a perfect person and is rigorously honest about his past and how he came to where he is today. For me, at least, he puts me in a comfort zone where I feel although not being a perfect person, I am at least worthy of being in God's presence and working to better myself and learn how to better serve God.....basically more able to understand "The Purpose Driven Life".

Wow....don't know where all that came from other than I truly enjoyed the sermon this morning...thanks DL!

During "joys and concerns" Phil Marra recognized all the help at the dinner (Pig Roast) last night......

After the service, a tree was dedicated in honor of Doc and Phylis Schwartz. Doc and Phylis have been of service to the church for over 40 years. Doc spent many of these years as Church Treasurer.Dedication and prayer of thanks for Doc and Phylis.....

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