Friday, July 24, 2009

I've got a little bit of Canada in my pocket....a little bit of history, a penny and a nickel and a quarter and a dime....

So Monday morning we left early for a trip into Gananoque, Ontario. Our original intent was to catch the Gananoque Boat tour. We found out after we arrived that they had changed the schedule all around and they did not stop off at Boldt Castle until the 5:00pm tour. Since we did not want to wait that long we decided to go to Alexandria Bay and take a tour from the states.

Before we left Gan, we visited the museum down by the waterfront.

There was a special display which I must say was interesting and certainly nothing like any of us had ever seen before.

Cheryl Ann Webster

Yep....those are all molds of different women's boobs. There were no two alike and each expressed some kind of emotion. If anyone is interested you can volunteer to pose....fake boobs probably need not apply!
You can also buy a kit for $30 and do your own. I thought that would be a fun project for OMS but I was the only one with any enthusiasm....

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